Saturday, July 19, 2008

Working on Sat & Sundays

Working on saturday and sundays is very hectic and stressful for the brain to take. It actually reduces the productivity of the following week.(These working hrs are just to put in our time sheets.) The reason behind it is, we have NO REST physically and mentally. When i say rest, its not like sleeping or being home. Its all about relaxing in our own ways.

The side-effects :) infact the main-effects of these stressful working hrs are headaches, eyestrain, neck pain etc. etc. and to cure them we take some drugs. Drugs are not only constantly costing you big bucks but are potentially habit-forming, and may have dangerous side effects in future. Pain relievers only prevent you from feeling the symptoms of pain. They do not treat the source or cause of the problem. Its like ignoring our body's natural alarm system.

Suppose your car's oil light came on? Would you clip the wires to the oil light to fix the problem? Of course not! That would be so comical - yet we are guilty of doing the same thing to our bodies every time we take a pain killer. And that is not funny!

The proper stress buster, oops i should say traditional stress busters are Meditation, Yoga, Pranayama. My mother who infact follows 2 of the above 3 mentioned insists me too follow them. I strongly determine to follow them whenever i listen to my mom. But infact never find time to follow.

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