Thursday, July 17, 2008

My Dreams

I donno why n how n when we dream. After a bit of googling just got some info that REM(Random Eye Movment) is the time when we exactly dream. This is the deepest point of our sleep. Nothing can disturb our sleep/dream during that point.

Briefly saying i dream everyday. It can be of anything. Till now i only got the same dream twice. It happened only once. Donno what does that means.

The dream that came twice with the same persons, same dialogues, same environment. If any one knows please let me know why does that happen?

There are two arguments,
1.Some ppl argue that we dream abt the things we do in our routine.
2.Some ppl argue that we dream abt the things we dont do but think about.

Which is correct???

I cant take any stand here 'coz i generally dream about many things dat happened in the day and dat i think in the day.

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