(This blog is really going to be a very very detailed writing of our trip)
Before i really start putting down the trip details, bear with me. It actually started when my friend Ankur expressed about his immense strong desire to visit goa since so many days. Then i thought, "Ok! i have some body depressed like me to visit goa.". We intially had a quick discussion of when can we visit and how many days leave we need to apply, wat wud be the budget and the participants. We instantly asked some persons and some immediately gave their response and some took time to give a nod. The response was really was overwhelming, 'coz i never thought my VCA team has so many holiday geeks. Sorry guys to write it here, but as per my interaction at the workplace i never thought i wud find so many. Anyways, after that we planned to take one day leave. But 8-10 ppl of the same project that too VCA applying for leave and expecting that to be sanctioned...bullshit!!!That is never going to happen. So, we just kept the plan on hold.
Then suddenly it happened like Tarun(other friend of mine) came to our discussion and suggested some dates at Feb21,22,23 three consecutive days holidays. Me n ankur thought it was wonderful that no need to apply leave too. But its VCA boss! VCA! Where its just a 7 day week..and being off from work for 3 days continuously is a dream for the team. But we were dare enough(actually we were depressed enough to visit GOA :)) that we initiated the trip planning materiastically. Ankur, the BA who is never bsy started exploring the possible fun activities at GOA and the whereabouts. I took the resp. of booking the cab. Ok then we thought we are done and out trip was confirmed.
Everything was cool till Feb 12'th and we were under impression that the trip is going to happen. But sudden on friday came the news of the 17 release being postponed, the dyanamic release plan. This started the headache and tension. When i heard that 17R is being postponed, the first thing i got to mind is"What about GOA?".
But i donno may be due to mine and ankurs prayers that the trip is not cancelled. And also our(me and tarun) night out on feb 17th gave me positive signs. So it finally happened that all our planning is not in vain.
Feb 20th, friday, the D-Day(for me and ankur atleast) has finally arrived. The required shopping, procurement of digicams, handycams etc etc. are done. We are in the office the morning. I dont really remember wat the task taken up that day coz i least bothered about VCA that day. We planned to leave early so that we can reach goa by early on 21st and start the day immediately. But, we are indians baba!! so as expected it was around 7:00PM we are out of the city. We were glad that out goa plan/dream has started.
Its a bachelors trip and u can expect the traveling plan. Daru, Mandhu, Alcohol in 3 languages. We had enough beer to forget our name. But not the table 2 which goes as 2*1 =2, 2*2=4, 2*3=6 and so on.

This is one criteria in the trip one has to fulfill to just prove that he is not drunkard completely :). When ever starts to talk out of control we ask him to yell this table 2. The dinner was at some punjabi dhaba. I really don't remember the place but i say is a pubjabi dhaba 'coz i remember a photo of gurunanak ji there. Now please don't ask me why i dont remember the place?? We were not even ashamed to stop the innova in the middle of the high way and change ourself from pants to shorts.
We donno when we fell asleep, but by the time i woke up its somewhere before Belgaum out driver sahib was asking route to Belgaum. Really the route was very confusing the flyovers ending some where, the U turns provided to correct ourself if we went wrong some where. I just guessed that the it could be the main juncture of diff. places something like HEBBAL flyover in banglore.
Everybody on innova woke up, i donno why. It was just 6:00AM or so but we noticed lot of pedestrains probably joggers or morning walkers on the road. Asking frequently almost everybody about the route the answer we get was "seedha jao". How ever seedha we go we didnt reach belgaum. Most weird thing we all noticed and luked funny was that one person was sitting on the road doing some warm up(probably), but his moves luked like he is mentally retarted and moving his head like the girl does in the movie PHOONK by RGV whenever the bhooth induces into her body :)....We wondered even the aunties were out into the street early in the morning for walking. We noticed groups & groups as we travelled along the city to reach its outskirts. We also noticed that there was not power in the city/town. Anyways, when whole city including the aunties, kids are outside for walking wats the need of the power and so that cud be the reason for the power cut or power saving :)
Then finally after lot of QUESTION & ANSWER session we were out of belgaum. Everyone was upset with the driver and i was more upset as i arranged the cab etc. Though anyone didn't say anything i could read it that they were upset that we were still in Belgaum and it was 7:00AM and it would take atleast another 3-4 hours to reach GOA still. Though the distance is less, its ghat road and we heard that we also have bad road which stretches to 10KM.
The driver stopped for some chai. We all got out of the innova so that we could also just stretch ourself a bit coz it was continuoulsly 7-8 hours we were sitting the vehicle after we had dinner at pubjabhi dhaba. Before starting i asked driver about still how much time it wud take to reach goa. He said it wud take 4 hrs. I was shocked that it wud be 11:00AM or 12:00AM by the time we reach goa though we started so early by 6:00PM at hyderabad. The travelling eat up half of our 3 day plan. Quickly we got into vehicle n moved ahead to goa.
We just played some telugu movie JAGADAM for a while and we donno when we fell to sleep again, but i remember that it was the bumpy road which woke me up. Suddenly i heard Ankur voice asking if we shall go to Dhoodh sagar. I noticed the vehicle stopped in front of a board showing the direction to Dhoodh sagar and its just 6KM far. So, though we were late(due to reason that the driver Illias doesn't know the route to GOA. he kept on asking the route to goa through out the complete way) we decided to see the dhoodh sagar as well as its just 6KM far. So innova took left turn in the direction shown in the board.
It was just 5 minute travel and we realized that we were on the wrong way. Really the climate was very pleasant that i slided down the window and popped my face out to feel the pleasant n a bit cold breeze. The way was a single lane with tall trees on both sides of the road which really gave the feel of a ghat. We noticed some luggage auto standing just half a km ahead. Some ppl were transfering something out or into the auto. We stopped there to find out the route as usually we did the complete way and found that we were on the wrong way asusually :). From the words of the ppl who told us the route we felt that its better not to take the risk of going to dhoodh sagar as their explaination made us felt that its quite long from the main road. So we just returned back to the bumpy main road from the by-lane and fell on the route to goa.
We wondered if it was the only main route to goa 'coz we never noticed not even a single travel hi-tech, volvo passenger bus on the way. All that we saw was some lorries carrying some powdered stone or stone pieces wrapped by polythene covers so that the material it is carrying doesn't fell down and the word DHOODH SAGAR written in hindi on the back side of all the lorries. I believe it was certainly not the only route to goa 'coz goa being a quite normal vacation place with lot of foreign visitors too the government doesn't care about the very very very bad situation of the road there. Our drive sahib is normally only drives slowly and the bumpy road made him worse now.
After a stretch of 30-45 minutes we were out of the ghat road and reached a juncture and our innova stopped to findout the route as usual. I think i should mention something here. In this stretch of 30-45 minutes our DJ ankur sir really killed us. He played some really very new irritating english songs/albums. And for this music Subash had some comments, explainations to make. Some of the songs were really funny...the lyrics or music was something like the ppl yell when he is hit on the ass :) but some stuff was really gud to listen. Kudos to our DJ.
At the juncture, ankur found out the correct way and the innova headed in the right direction. After 5 minutes drive we noticed some lady in a gown and we felt..."Accha! Yes we are in the right direction and we finally did it :)"....
I asked ankur to call the person moses to find out the place where we need to reach as we decided to stay at that place very near to Baga beach. We reached the baga beach and had our vehicle parked at the parking lot. Sunil, Tarun n Ankur went out to find moses and see the rooms aswell. Meanwhile, we(i mean me, anil, subash and suresh) were not able to resist ourself without getting into the water after seeing the sea shore just 50 ft from the parking lot. So just taking my mobile alone(so that tarun could reach us after their enquiry) we ran to the shore. The first sight of the goa baga beach was so exciting with shacks, water sports, white ppl all around. We just had a 10-15 minutes stroll in the water over there then. We returned back to the vehicle with the call from ankur. We just took out our luggage and reached our guest house just 5 mins walk from the parking lot. It was very hot and just the 5 mins walk really let us down. We felt that we are going to have a very tough time with the temperature there.
Anyways, we just got fresh and got into shorts aand were out of the guest house to go to the beach. We just carried my sling bag with just the digi cam and the handy cam. We left the mobiles everything there. Once we reached baga beach, tarun felt that he is very hungry. After a debate whether to have food before or after the sports, we went to have food before only. But among the lined up shacks we were confused where to go. We finally entered a shack called "Squizzler" which was the closest for us to walk in the hot day and was also suggested by Molly to ankur.

We got seated on a big table and ordered some beer and sandwitches and omlets. We decided to have just a simple breakfast coz if we had heavy food we may not enjoy the sports much there. But neither our order or the bill was not that simple. There were two whites playing some bar- billiards there. I wanted to try out a hand and i never played it before. Me n subash started to play. I tried to play as better as i can. But subash was pretty better than me in hitting the cue ball at the rite pace and rite place.

I donno wats wrong with our playing style or way..but after a few minutes one of the bearer came up and asked if we know that we need to play 50 bucks per game. We said YES. He just stepped out and we started playing again. He was still there watching us play. But suddenly one other person came up and asked about who allowed to play. We said that we know its a paid game and so we started out. Then he took out the cue and showed a shot and said we cant play. I just understood his problem was that the mat would be spoiled if we place out hands on the middle of the mat and started murmurring and talking to the first guy who stopped us. Then Ankur came up and asked wat was his problem. Then after exchange of some strong words the guy was really saying to ankur,"Main dhekloong tujhe!!"..i was shocked really by such words. Then immediately ankur reacted with the correct note, "Accha! I am here only...tell me wat will u do....", that guy(looked like a barbarian with some pony) was saying that we were non-local and goa was his. Ankur questioned"Kab kareedha goa ko"...then immediately some other person intervened and took the fucker guy away. We got back to our seats. In this hot moments tarun was asking whether he could get some chai. He just had voda, sandwich, omlete and then chai. I donno wat this weired combination was and tender was smiling too for asking chai as he just saw the first person asking for a chai in a shack. Another 10-15 minutes and we were out into the water playing around.

I donno wats wrong with our playing style or way..but after a few minutes one of the bearer came up and asked if we know that we need to play 50 bucks per game. We said YES. He just stepped out and we started playing again. He was still there watching us play. But suddenly one other person came up and asked about who allowed to play. We said that we know its a paid game and so we started out. Then he took out the cue and showed a shot and said we cant play. I just understood his problem was that the mat would be spoiled if we place out hands on the middle of the mat and started murmurring and talking to the first guy who stopped us. Then Ankur came up and asked wat was his problem. Then after exchange of some strong words the guy was really saying to ankur,"Main dhekloong tujhe!!"..i was shocked really by such words. Then immediately ankur reacted with the correct note, "Accha! I am here only...tell me wat will u do....", that guy(looked like a barbarian with some pony) was saying that we were non-local and goa was his. Ankur questioned"Kab kareedha goa ko"...then immediately some other person intervened and took the fucker guy away. We got back to our seats. In this hot moments tarun was asking whether he could get some chai. He just had voda, sandwich, omlete and then chai. I donno wat this weired combination was and tender was smiling too for asking chai as he just saw the first person asking for a chai in a shack. Another 10-15 minutes and we were out into the water playing around.

One of the guy was really following us since we were on the beach to play water sports. We already conveyed him that we would certainly take it but after some time. But he never left us alone. So, we decided to have the water sports first and then we can have fun among ourselves. The deal was made to 3550 bucks for 7 ppl for Banana ride, para sailing, bumper ride and skiing. If we want to skii alone we need to pay more. One by one we had all the rides and the banana was the best we experienced. The drama by subash was really marking here while we were having banana ride. I hope someone videographed us on banana ride. After the skiing, banana ride and bumper ride we were asked to wait for para sailing as the boat they had just went in with some tourists. These stupid ppl made us to wait for more than an hour saying just 10 mins...15 mins....20 mins... We were there sitting on the wet sand playing with the sand trying to give some shape to the wet sand. Soon after an hour we were taken to the big boat on a speed boat. The water was really splashing so high and hard on the speed boat that the bag with cams has to be taken care first to enjoy the water. We were then transfered to a big boat i could say where we parasailed. By the time we took our seat on the big boat we were so tired not due to the sports rather than with the hot sun. No one talked to each other. Then, i was the first to take the chance of parasailing.

Parasailing was really over-whelming and exciting...just u alone in the sky(though connected to the boat thru a rope)..100-150 ft high above the water. Looking down it was so fabulous that i just felt like jumping down removing the clips etc etc. All that you could see around is just water water n water...the breeze was not very hot either...really the experience was really fantastic. All the ppl down in the boat looked small.

These things needs to be videographed rather than photographed. But the stupid ankur didnt really took gud snaps of mine. If some body looks at the trip album, all others pics while parasailing are gud expect mine coz i was the one who photographed all others as i finished mine first. We all finished our sport and transfered back to the small boat to take us back to the shore. Thats the end of water sports. By the time we finish sports it was around 4:00-4:30PM. We just got into another shack Brittos the nearest and also the one suggested by Molly again:)

We were really looking so horrible and tired sitting there under the fan giving hot breeze. We just ordered some beer and food. Some non-veggies tried out different things and i ordered the curry rice item the only veg. good i could find on the menu. We almost had beer when ever we felt thirsty and forget to have water the complete trip. After having the food we felt like we regained our energy and it was 5:30PM. I thought we can have some walk in the pleasant breeze and so we started in the direction of colgnute beach. The climate was very pleasant, the couples, girls and especially the sun set was picturesque. But the batteries in my cam were dry completely by that time. We get new batteries we need to walk a bit and so me and anil dropped the plan of capturing the great pictures in the cam rather capture them in our mind :)
The sun set was really really awesome and so we decided to come back there the next day for the sun set but with the digi-cam loaded this time. After a walk of 1-2 kms we returned back to the guest house. Had bath.....transfered pics to the taruns laptop...charged the batteries....called back all the missed calls.....chit chat about the water sports...and were out to go to saturday nite market. But learnt that the nite market was closed and not operating due to security concerns. So we travelled for 20 minutes to reach another market at colugnet. But it was not dat gud and so returned back to the main baga market it self which was better than the colugnet market. After a tiresome 1-2 kms boring walk on the baga main road we reached the guest house and so decided to go to some shack on the shore and spend some time there. It was 11:30PM then. We went to Brittos again as we were left with no choice left as all the other shacks were occupied and busy with the saturday nite party buzz.
It was a boring dinner either as the day was tiring and the has no enough sleep due the previous nite travel. Ordered some food and some drinks. By the time we finished our dinner it was already 1AM and i was in no mood to chill out in the mid nite sea breeze and so left to the room while still some of us were hanging there out. During the dinner, we saw the cine actors Poonam bhajwa and Jatmalanee(The heroine of movie "Ranam") just 10 feet away. By this time our subash alias subbu was loaded, hope u know wat i mean. He immediately sprung up, snatched the cam from my hand and went to them to have some photographs. Other director called Nagesh also was there in the same restaurant. Subash was also a gr8 fan of him too and so waited even after 1AM and got some photographs. But, i left the place well before that to take proper rest to be fit for the next two days.
Second Day:
The next day, as per my previous plan i woke up early the next day at 6:00AM to watch the sunrise. But alas, i even didnt think that as we had the sunset at the seaside n obviously the sunrise would be from the opposite side where we have the city. But, when i reached the shore at 6:30AM it was very early for GOA to start off the day. It was very pleasant, the baga beach which will be always crowded during the day was isolated in the morning. I decided to walk way down the shore. The breeze was very pleasant absolutely with no honking of the vehicle, hullah of the crowd. The waves looked even more wild and the sound of waves was arousing. I walked with bare foot on the fine sand where exactly the waves go in and out along with the tides. I could notice some foreigners having a jog and very little people on the beach. I wondered when i a saw some Krishna bakthas doing japas(as we see when we go to ISCKON, a bag around the neck, hand in the bag with rudhraksha) on the beach. After an hour or so, i walked back to the guest house where no one has yet got up. From the digicam, i learnt that some of the guys had hookah too the previous nite. I woke up Tarun to get ready and went downstairs to wake up the others too. At around 11:00AM we were all ready to start the day.
We went to Anjuna beach where we hardly see people in the water. We started to play with the waves.
The "Wave Fight"(we called it so) was awesome. The game was to stand afront to face the wave without moving, falling down. We found some set of parllel set of rocks, settled down there to start the fight. When ever a huge wave comes down the shore, anil was the one to stand afront and then was me and then Subash down standing.

Suresh and Ankur were playing safe sitting down on the rocks and holding the rocks tightly. The tides were high and high. Subash was once swept away for 5 feets atleast. Thank god i hold ankurs or suresh, otherwise the wave wud have swept me 10ft atleast :)......Tarun was merely there faraway just watching us and sunil was holding the cam to click. It was after half an hour fight we called it the end and waves ko chod dhiya bicharaaa waves ;).....

We were completely wet and it wud be difficult to sit like dat in the vehicle. Anjuna beach was full of rocks. We went to the farmost rock where water would not splash and dried our shorts, Tees. After that we walked up the stairs to go back to the parking place. While coming in, we took the rough root where we have to just walk down without any proper way. There was some gambling going on there. A person was holding 3 cards and shuffling them. One of the card was marked. He shuffles and we have to point the marked card and then you get the double amount. I was there at the point for 10 minutes watching him play. Some people lost and some won. It was easy for me to notice the marked one. I just thought of playing it too, just then anil and subash dragged me away saying that its a foul play and we will always loose. But, i dont think so. You just have to concentrate on the marked card which the person shows you before he starts the shuffling. Donot disturb your eye contact and then you can easily identify exactly. But these fellows literally dragged me. We then started off to ***** beach immediately. It was just 15-30 minutes drive from Anjuna beach to reach there. By the time we reach there, we were very thirsty and so took some beer cans and went into the beach. We thought of getting the driver to the beach too so that he can sit there taking care of our belongings. This would certainly be very head ached every time for us. We get our digicams, handycam along with us. While going into water we need to keep them safe but on beach where can be the safe place. So this time we got the driver to sit there in the beach instead of in the vehicle. We bribed him with an beer though :)...

After a long volley game with the ball in the sea were on the sand and decided to play cricket with the tennis ball. We already planned it and so took a cricket bat with us. Firstly we started off with a rough play. Later it lead to some petty quarrel between me and ankur. Ankur insisted me to be out as i caught the ball while batting. But, my argument was it was not a serious game with no umpire, no lbw and it was not a real cricket and i cannot be out for holding the ball. So we restarted the play again but now this time with pretty much defined rules and regulation like one tup catch and direct hit of ball cross the borders we declared is out etc. We numbered each other and started the play. The play went very well and it was very fun. I was always first ofcoz from the last :)
Just beside the beach was the mountain where we have the Dil Chahtha Hai fort. Indeed there was a way from the beach to walk up the mountain thru some stairs not very clear but certainly there was wasy as we could see many people climbing. Anil insisted that we too can climb up the mountain. Yes, it was not a big deal. But, after the long play in the sea and the cricket on the sand it was around 4:00 PM and we were very tired as we had no lunch and was surviving with the tiffins we had at Udipi hotel in the morning. And also the pictures will not be gr8 with out muddy shorts and tees. So, we planned to move ahead, have some food and reach the Bagabeach to catch up the sun set at correct time.
The driver fellow stopped at some stupid sa dhaba. It was actually a home turned to dhaba with some chairs and benches. We ordered some food. Really they took so much time to prepare that simple sa food that it was 5:30PM while we started out to baga beach after having food. I though we still have half an hour and we can easily reach the baga beach to watch the sunset on time. But it was carnival time in goa and the roads were very crowded and the traffic was jam completely. And not to mention we didnt have a aggressive driver either. After lot of time we were out of the traffic fuss and by the time we reached the guest house it was 6:30PM. But me and anil ran to the beach to watch out. The sun has already set. Literally the twilight was awesome either but very difficult to capture that in the cam. We saw a huge ship very close to the shore. Just the day before a chai vendor or some one was saying that the ship came to shore at calgunet beach and got struck up and it cant move. But today it was that ship which was moving and close enough to capture in the cam. After 10 mins we just went back to guest house. So, we finally missed the sun set at goa :(
Tittos Episode:
After a quick bath some of the guys went out to the market to do some shopping and some in search of the Tittos pub. Its the best and costliest pub in goa. Its a restricted and payed entry. The food and beverages are charged extra. Me, ankur and tarun were ready to experience it even as its a must DO if you are in goa. But we were not ready to go without the complete people but its an costly affair so we decided to find out if we can get some other pub at a lesser cost. But after long search and talk on the baga market road we decided not to go to pub and waste the money there. So we went to a shore shack called "VOILA" and took a table for 7. It was a awesome experience too. It was just 5-10 feet away from the shore. The breeze was pleasant though the noise of the crowd was quite disturbing. Just beside our table were a group of arond 25 people, all students and fully drunk. There acts were very wierd. Some run around the tables, some run into the sea water and some goes to get him, so lie down on the sand. We intially thought they are from karnataka as per their language. Though we were having our chit chat, we overheard some telugu words even and so we were careful enough we dont talk about them in telugu louder :)......
After a round of drink we ordered some strawberry flavour hukkah. Hukkah as everyone thinks(even myself thought before i tried) is some tobacco. But indeed its nothing to do with tobacco. Its probably plain water in the jar with some hot charcoal just above the the pipe where take the puff. The charcoal mixture is the actual flavour that you drink. The charcoal mixture, donno wat it is, but the bar server was saying so. Subash left to room as his stomach was upset of a peg of neat vat69(did i spell it correctly!?!?!)....I just had pepsi :)
After the second round, we started to gab about our VCA....where ever we go VCA follows :)....I guess it was around 1/2 to 3/4 hrs of talk about VCA...it was already 2:00AM i guess. We ordered another round of drink and pepsi for me. But tarun was still struggling with his peg of vodka..and moreover he was very quite compared to other people, i guess he was disappointed that we didnt make it to pub...or he must have remembered his lover(if any) ;)
Everyone posed with the hukkah and we took some photos....anil was really very drunk salaah vodak+fenni+ beer + wine + BP i guess....much wild cocktail rite?? But i just had pepsi :)...i climbed upon anil and he carried me to our table from just 10 feet far.....the S.F.Suresh Kanukola was bsy posing for the hukkah and clicking our pics....he too was silent through out. Anil can be signed off for the brand ambassador of Pulpy orange, he always insist to have pulpy orange at the end of party. When every one is worrying about to have one more peg or one more beer he asks"One pulpy orange plzz!!!".
After a last shot of Tequila we decided to give a try at another pub(i dont remember the name of pub)....after a long bargain about the bill ankur saved around Rs.200..i never saw ankur so fussy...guess dat was the effect of the wild cocktail he had. After paying the bill, as usual anil required a pulpy orange. Just before we ask the server over there for pulpy orange, anil himself found one last bottle in the shack and asked ankur to pay for it :)
We walked to the pub very fast and absolutely we were hintless about where we were going in that dark and were walking one behind other....but the pub was closed as it was late and so returned back the baga market....the nite was still young at baga market...the crowd at the entrance of Tittos was color either(hope u understand wat i am talking about)..we just waited there for nothing at the place to watch out the place....tarun was insisting to leave to the guest house as it was already 3:00AM...
But we never agreed upon leaving so early(3:00Am is so early;)???). Our silly argument was to stay back for some more time as we may not be coming to goa for next 6 months ha ha ha.
After just garing there at the titos entrance we moved to the beach again to walk back to our guest house in the sand. But one shack was still open housing some dance programme. To get seated in the chairs we need to order for some drinks or food again for which we were not ready to waste money. So we sat down just 5 feet away from the shack in the sand watching the show for free of cost ;) lolllll
Sitting there we have talked abt many things in the world which were not at all related to us, the people we see there etc etc. After half an hour or so we moved to the guest house thru the dark scary beach dragging our legs thru the sand. It was 4:10 AM by the time we reached the guest house. Thats the end of the second day!!!!!!
Third Day:
The day started very late at around 11:00AM. But subash woke up very early and started to bug us at rite from 8:30AM, but no one actually woke up before 10:30AM. After a quick bath we check out from the guest house and moved on planning to visit the Fort, old goa church and many more if possible. After breakfast at udipi hotel we moved on for a massage. The massage was not effective though they charged 1000 bucks. Ofcoz some of the guys had gr8 fun and max. utilization of the massage while some were left dumb especially the renowed APSingh and Tarun after paying tips to the massage valla ha ha haaa(ofcoz they payed tips for different reasons!!!!lollll). It was around 2:00AM by the time the massage was completed and we moved on to old goa. Anyways the dil chahta hai fort is missed due the late start of the day. It was around half an hour or one hour drive from the baga place to the old goa.
The church was not so fascinating. We should have hired a guide to understand the
importance of the place and the things over there. But we were not in a mood to hire a guide, understand the things there and write a book over that. All that we were next bothered about is to do some dharu shopping and start off to hyderabad and cross the ghat road before its dark. We had a quick look around the church and tried to make our own assumptions and guesses. We also went to some payed exhibition in the church displaying the paintings, antique sculptures which absolutely made no sense to us. I donno why the photography is banned there!!!! What will some one do with the photographs taken there??

After the visit of the church, we thought of going to some market and get the required dharu etc. etc. But R.D.V.Anil babu said that he noticed some govt. liquor shop on the way to the church. So, we returned back the same way we came from to find the shop. Our driver sahib wants to show his talent and took us through some wrong way for around 10Kms and finally returned back to the way which R.D.V.Anil was confident about.
As per the general rules, a person is allowed to carry 2 imported drinks with proper permit from the govt. authorized stores. As i didnt buy any liquor for myself, sunil bought two on my name for his friends. So alike everybody was officially taking 2 bottles each. We bought some kaju, choclates etc etc and started off to hyderabad. The sad part is that we bought some Fenni too, as the store keeper notified us that its official and no need of any receipt or so for it. So we bought some of them too.
Fifteen minutes from then we were on the way back to hyderabad. Suddenly the vehicle was stopped to the road side and we came to know that it was a puncture.Aaah!! God!!! Anyways we had the stepney and so the driver asked for 15-30 minutes to replace it. We got of the innova to find out if we could get something to eat, as the whole day we didnt have our lunch. We just had the morning breakfast and some fruits after the massage and no lunch. We found a udipi hotel just on the opposite side of the road(may be god has punctured the vehicle right infront of the hotel to have the food !!!). We immediately thronged. We were really hungry but cautioned ourself that its going to be a 15 hrs journey, so take limited food. But, no way. Once we started off, its not possible to stop the flow :). we ordered some wadapav, pooribhaji, special dosa. chai, samosa. I heard of vadapav before that too but never eat it. So, asked for about wat it is, tarun said that its pava with some normal wada(of idli/wada) sandwiched :) ohh god lollllllllll!!!!!
The driver also had some food after the repair. We changed into shorts and moved ahead. But its always safe to have a ready stepney in the nite journey and so we got the punctured tyre repaired at the next available garrage just 10 minutes from the hotel. Another 20-30 minutes there at the garrage. We had a bit of gap at the place too about the good old garrage days and the SFSureshK was saying about his village friends and his schooling in the village, subash and anil were talking about there teachers/wardens and the funny things happened in their schooling.
It was 7:00 in the evening by the time we moved from there. Some body started to gab about the ghosts etc etc. I am scared about them. So, i changed the topic and we started to talk about "When will the world End?". We talked about the 2012 predictment, another german boy predicting about the same, bramham garu predictment about this etc etc. We ended no where and dont remember when i snoozed off. I woke up when the vehicle stopped near the checkpost. But as we had all the permits for the liquor we bought, we thought its going to be a normal check. But the storekeeper mistakenly(or did he fooled us??) wrote something wrong on the receipt and so we payed some Rs.300 fine(fine officially and we call it bribe). Just another 10 minutes we were stopped again for another checking. This time the checking was so much that one of the constable was just looking under the vehicle if we had tied something under it. We showed the receipts had and were confident enough that everything is fine. But to our astonishment we the police complained that its illegal to carry Fenni too. The store keeper has fooled us certainly saying that Fenni is legal and requires no receipts etc etc. We argued that we bought it only as the store keeper assured that its legal and has no issues. One of the constable took me and showed a board which clearly states that "Carrying fenni is anyform is illegal". Seeing that we had no words to speak and we started to bargain to the max. extent. We were even ready to leave the bottles there itself but still the excise police were not convinced. Asked for how much the fine is?? It is Rs.2000. God! the bottles cost just 800 and the fine is 2000??? As per the law the vehicle can be seized and the drivers license can be cancelled due to this offence. But law in india....everyone knows!! Very flexible and can be dynamically undergo amendment as per the situation. Bargained bargained bargained and we made a deal to 1200....payed it and moved out immediately. Actually the first check post was the security checkpost and this one is the Excise dept. check post. So totally we payed a fine of Rs.1500/-. So the amount we saved in the drinks is actually payed at the check-post. So the newtons third law is never wrong ;)
Suresh and anil were sitting in the last seat of innova in just shorts and no shirt. Suresh just had the towel around the neck and anil had the handkerchief tied to the head. They too got down at the excise dept. check post. Ha ha haaaa...the constable saw them near the vehicle and asked who they were? The question is simple but the way he asked something like he saw some untouchable species there :)...Actually its not the person to blame but these guys really looked like that. Sorry guys!!!! After that there was no look back...we actually didnt get chance to know wat happened. We fell asleep after the checking. Literally SFSureshK was sleeping right from the checkpost to the Kondapur T Junction :)...Atleast most of us remember that we missed the route again driving back to hyd...stopped at a dhabha to have food and just found some bananas etc etc. But SFSureshK had no clue atleast where he was. If we had lifted him and dropped him in the ghat road he wud never know and can easily join some tribal group there at GOA...so when we go to goa next time we would find him in the tribal group with the normal gestures like laka laka laka :)
Its pretty long blog actually. But i took the pain to detail all the incidents to the possible extent i remember. Provide your inputs to improvize it better.
PS: Still some pics yet to be uploaded.
Copyright © ThrinathJalamadugu. All rights reserved. Reproduction of news articles, photos or any other content in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of Thrinath Chakravarthy Jalamadugu is prohibited lolllllllll
But we never agreed upon leaving so early(3:00Am is so early;)???). Our silly argument was to stay back for some more time as we may not be coming to goa for next 6 months ha ha ha.
After just garing there at the titos entrance we moved to the beach again to walk back to our guest house in the sand. But one shack was still open housing some dance programme. To get seated in the chairs we need to order for some drinks or food again for which we were not ready to waste money. So we sat down just 5 feet away from the shack in the sand watching the show for free of cost ;) lolllll
Sitting there we have talked abt many things in the world which were not at all related to us, the people we see there etc etc. After half an hour or so we moved to the guest house thru the dark scary beach dragging our legs thru the sand. It was 4:10 AM by the time we reached the guest house. Thats the end of the second day!!!!!!
Third Day:
The day started very late at around 11:00AM. But subash woke up very early and started to bug us at rite from 8:30AM, but no one actually woke up before 10:30AM. After a quick bath we check out from the guest house and moved on planning to visit the Fort, old goa church and many more if possible. After breakfast at udipi hotel we moved on for a massage. The massage was not effective though they charged 1000 bucks. Ofcoz some of the guys had gr8 fun and max. utilization of the massage while some were left dumb especially the renowed APSingh and Tarun after paying tips to the massage valla ha ha haaa(ofcoz they payed tips for different reasons!!!!lollll). It was around 2:00AM by the time the massage was completed and we moved on to old goa. Anyways the dil chahta hai fort is missed due the late start of the day. It was around half an hour or one hour drive from the baga place to the old goa.
The church was not so fascinating. We should have hired a guide to understand the
importance of the place and the things over there. But we were not in a mood to hire a guide, understand the things there and write a book over that. All that we were next bothered about is to do some dharu shopping and start off to hyderabad and cross the ghat road before its dark. We had a quick look around the church and tried to make our own assumptions and guesses. We also went to some payed exhibition in the church displaying the paintings, antique sculptures which absolutely made no sense to us. I donno why the photography is banned there!!!! What will some one do with the photographs taken there??

After the visit of the church, we thought of going to some market and get the required dharu etc. etc. But R.D.V.Anil babu said that he noticed some govt. liquor shop on the way to the church. So, we returned back the same way we came from to find the shop. Our driver sahib wants to show his talent and took us through some wrong way for around 10Kms and finally returned back to the way which R.D.V.Anil was confident about.
As per the general rules, a person is allowed to carry 2 imported drinks with proper permit from the govt. authorized stores. As i didnt buy any liquor for myself, sunil bought two on my name for his friends. So alike everybody was officially taking 2 bottles each. We bought some kaju, choclates etc etc and started off to hyderabad. The sad part is that we bought some Fenni too, as the store keeper notified us that its official and no need of any receipt or so for it. So we bought some of them too.
Fifteen minutes from then we were on the way back to hyderabad. Suddenly the vehicle was stopped to the road side and we came to know that it was a puncture.Aaah!! God!!! Anyways we had the stepney and so the driver asked for 15-30 minutes to replace it. We got of the innova to find out if we could get something to eat, as the whole day we didnt have our lunch. We just had the morning breakfast and some fruits after the massage and no lunch. We found a udipi hotel just on the opposite side of the road(may be god has punctured the vehicle right infront of the hotel to have the food !!!). We immediately thronged. We were really hungry but cautioned ourself that its going to be a 15 hrs journey, so take limited food. But, no way. Once we started off, its not possible to stop the flow :). we ordered some wadapav, pooribhaji, special dosa. chai, samosa. I heard of vadapav before that too but never eat it. So, asked for about wat it is, tarun said that its pava with some normal wada(of idli/wada) sandwiched :) ohh god lollllllllll!!!!!
The driver also had some food after the repair. We changed into shorts and moved ahead. But its always safe to have a ready stepney in the nite journey and so we got the punctured tyre repaired at the next available garrage just 10 minutes from the hotel. Another 20-30 minutes there at the garrage. We had a bit of gap at the place too about the good old garrage days and the SFSureshK was saying about his village friends and his schooling in the village, subash and anil were talking about there teachers/wardens and the funny things happened in their schooling.
It was 7:00 in the evening by the time we moved from there. Some body started to gab about the ghosts etc etc. I am scared about them. So, i changed the topic and we started to talk about "When will the world End?". We talked about the 2012 predictment, another german boy predicting about the same, bramham garu predictment about this etc etc. We ended no where and dont remember when i snoozed off. I woke up when the vehicle stopped near the checkpost. But as we had all the permits for the liquor we bought, we thought its going to be a normal check. But the storekeeper mistakenly(or did he fooled us??) wrote something wrong on the receipt and so we payed some Rs.300 fine(fine officially and we call it bribe). Just another 10 minutes we were stopped again for another checking. This time the checking was so much that one of the constable was just looking under the vehicle if we had tied something under it. We showed the receipts had and were confident enough that everything is fine. But to our astonishment we the police complained that its illegal to carry Fenni too. The store keeper has fooled us certainly saying that Fenni is legal and requires no receipts etc etc. We argued that we bought it only as the store keeper assured that its legal and has no issues. One of the constable took me and showed a board which clearly states that "Carrying fenni is anyform is illegal". Seeing that we had no words to speak and we started to bargain to the max. extent. We were even ready to leave the bottles there itself but still the excise police were not convinced. Asked for how much the fine is?? It is Rs.2000. God! the bottles cost just 800 and the fine is 2000??? As per the law the vehicle can be seized and the drivers license can be cancelled due to this offence. But law in india....everyone knows!! Very flexible and can be dynamically undergo amendment as per the situation. Bargained bargained bargained and we made a deal to 1200....payed it and moved out immediately. Actually the first check post was the security checkpost and this one is the Excise dept. check post. So totally we payed a fine of Rs.1500/-. So the amount we saved in the drinks is actually payed at the check-post. So the newtons third law is never wrong ;)
Suresh and anil were sitting in the last seat of innova in just shorts and no shirt. Suresh just had the towel around the neck and anil had the handkerchief tied to the head. They too got down at the excise dept. check post. Ha ha haaaa...the constable saw them near the vehicle and asked who they were? The question is simple but the way he asked something like he saw some untouchable species there :)...Actually its not the person to blame but these guys really looked like that. Sorry guys!!!! After that there was no look back...we actually didnt get chance to know wat happened. We fell asleep after the checking. Literally SFSureshK was sleeping right from the checkpost to the Kondapur T Junction :)...Atleast most of us remember that we missed the route again driving back to hyd...stopped at a dhabha to have food and just found some bananas etc etc. But SFSureshK had no clue atleast where he was. If we had lifted him and dropped him in the ghat road he wud never know and can easily join some tribal group there at GOA...so when we go to goa next time we would find him in the tribal group with the normal gestures like laka laka laka :)
Its pretty long blog actually. But i took the pain to detail all the incidents to the possible extent i remember. Provide your inputs to improvize it better.
PS: Still some pics yet to be uploaded.
Copyright © ThrinathJalamadugu. All rights reserved. Reproduction of news articles, photos or any other content in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of Thrinath Chakravarthy Jalamadugu is prohibited lolllllllll
Great post Thrinath!
But I have one question - what does "SF" in "SF Suresh K" mean?
Hi Kamal,
Those are inspirational and cunning nicknames from Ankur, followed by S, F , SF, FS ..etc for each which made us to forget our fellow names and which are highly confidential. :)
Wow, what an amazing vacation this would be. The photos are all beautiful and exotic-looking. Well this is an absolute celebration of your christmas.Thanks on your marvelous posting! I definitely enjoyed reading it.
anyways thanks again & keep sharing
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