Thursday, September 27, 2012

Is Scrum an Agile or Agile a Scrum?

Agile is a software development methodology that can be used in project management. On contrary to many peoples understanding, agile is just an umbrella which covers various approaches, or i should say, various practices which can be run on agile principles.
Basic principle of agile methodology is project development in iterative and incremental basis. This is in total contrast of what happens in Waterfall project methodology, an traditional approach to software development.
So, following this principle in particular, there are many agile approaches such as Scrum, XP(Extreme Programming where Pair programming, an agile development technique is used), Kanban, Lean software development, DSDM(Dynamic Systems Development Method) etc.
Putting it very simple, for example, if i'm talking about the 10 min standup call as part of my agile process, that is not necessarily need to be agile, but scrum will insist it.
So agile is not a scrum but scrum is certainly one of many agile approaches'.

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