Monday, September 12, 2011

What's in the BRAND?

As Shakespeare quotes: "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet".  Isn't it true?Good will is the component which builds up the BRAND value of any organization or person. Well, will that count in the day-to-day changing dynamic corporate world?

  • Does any HR seriously incline towards the individual from a branded company from a list of prospective candidates(with same level of qualification & same level of education background) for a job?
  • Does a job seeker from a branded company has an edge over the other job seekers?
This has always been a point of argument between me and my close friend Jeswani. However, i give a damn to the brand "thing". When you have the required skills & capabilities of executing a role responsibly, why the heck any employer will not hire you? Personally i never faced or came across such second-level treatment or never heard from any of my friends of such instance.

Yeah brand matters in remote possibile case of tie between you and some other job seeker(from a renowed organization) with the exactly 100% same skill levels as you. But again, what is the possibility of this situation? This is why, professinal jobs always demands to keep you updated with the latest updates & technologies in our domain/field. If you maintain yourself up-to-date there is never a case where you look redundant to any employer.

The type of work you do and the learning you gain in small companies is phenomenal compared to branded orgs. So, better be in a small companies at the initial stage of your yourself competent and then gradually move up to a branded orgs. Many of my previous company colleagues are in a MNCs now. The comments i get to hear is "Peru goppa vuru dhibbha", "What ever i learn't in effigent & prithvi is all that i have. No new learning". Well that is the truth.

There are some ppl i know who compromise on the quality & job profile just for brand. I know they take such decisions keeping in mind of many personal factors too. But again 'career' is not a point to compromise on.

I strongly believe, "Its the content in the bottle that should matter and not the bottle itself".

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