Thursday, March 20, 2014

Take a moment to Retrospect

What are we doing to enrich our life? Next month, and it would be an year in my current job. I was retrospecting past one year. What did i do so significant to enrich my life? In that line, i went on to retrospect my last 5 years of time. What did i do to make my life better? Or did i do anything that made anybody else life better? 

I always feel, that each passing day should make us much better individual, a much useful being to live. I was discussing the same with my friend and this discussion enlightened me with many things.

The satisfaction, sense of achievement, the feel of enriching need not be always tangible. The emotional endurance we learn, the unnoticed small things(like finding a better/shorter route to your work place, taking a measure to save time, starting on a healthy habit, a sense of satisfaction after heart full lunch) are not tangible. If one considers achievement at work/career, financial achievements(like purchasing a home, a car) or setting up a new business are the only measures to success, then, THAT'S WRONG.

Try different right things in life. Without trying, you will never know whether you are capable enough to get that, or you need to do something to improve your capability. And once you try, failures(or i say "mistakes") are obvious possible output. But,

Make your life watchable, because,

My friend made one very valuable statement in this context,

"Don't question yourself of "What did i achieve till date?" in a depressive mode. Question the same in a challenging mode and that give you the motivation to move mountains." Putting it in a better format,